Thursday, September 1, 2011

A PLACE on the Calendar

          It’s September lst.  Its PLACE on the calendar means that today is the first day of a new month.  In our culture, September has long been thought of as the beginning of the fall season.  Summer is behind us.  The time for vacations and summer activities has come to a close. The summer foods begin to fade away (fresh sweet corn comes to mind), while apples and squash begin to make an appearance.  

          The PLACE on the calendar tells us that a new schedule awaits us - a new rhythm to our days and weekends is before us.  In some ways it invites a renewal of the everyday and ordinary life.  The days of living outside are changing.  We begin to plan indoor house projects, clean the closets, schedule our lives differently.  Meetings that were on hiatus during the summer start up again.  A new eight week yoga session invites us. Just as the children purchase new school supplies and clothing, even we, who are long past living in the cadence of the school year, start anew as well. 

          Today on my walk/run, I felt like that familiar phrase – ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life!’  Yes, I can do this.  It is good for me.  Begin the day with yoga then walk.  I can do this!  I know how great I feel when I do.  Certainly this can be my every day morning practice. Yes!     (By the way - I am not lending an ear to that inner voice that doubts the renewed commitment to fitness by saying – Wonder how long this will last?)

          What is it about a PLACE on the calendar that gives energy, intensity, a readiness for something new, a commitment to that which makes us a better person?  What fall foods are you eager to taste? (Oh my – pumpkin pie and caramel apples come to mind!  Never think about them in the summer.)  What favorite sweaters are about to replace those summer sleeveless shirts?  Have you traded your allegiance from baseball to football?  What flowers have had their day in the sun and now those that have waited for this PLACE on the calendar are becoming colorful? What new ‘thing’ are you about as this PLACE on the calendar announces its arrival?  Let me know . . .

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